
Glad You Came

A quick introduction: I'm a full-stack (NodeJS) web developer who also enjoys Python programming. Please wander around and discover more about me by looking at my projects, publications, and skills. If you appreciate my work and need assistance, want to hire me, or just want to say hello, please contact me.


This section contains details about the publication that i have completed during my Mtech Reserach. Reserach was based on Knowledge Graph and Recommender System.

International Conference on Expert Clouds and Applications (ICOECA 2022) Feb 2022

Recommender System using Knowledge Graph and Ontology: A survey

Survey paper titled as above has been accepted for publication in the Scopus indexed Springer Conference named "International Conference on Expert Clouds and Applications" (ICOECA 2022). ISSN: 2367-3370. Paper is accepted but currently under publication process, soon it will be online.

For this survey paper i have got the best paper award at ICOECA 2022 Conference.

See PDF here.
International Conference on Mathematics and Computer Science (MathCom 2022) May 2022

KGC19: Knowledge Graph Of COVID-19 Scholarly Articles for Enhanced Information Retrieval & Recommender System.

Research paper titled as above has been accepted for publication in the Conference named "International Conference on Mathematics and Computer Science 2022" (ICMC - MathCom 2022). Paper Contains details on my reserach and short results summary. more details can be found under thesis file. Paper is accepted and under the publication process and soon it will be online.

See PDF Here.
Parul Univeristy Acedemic Year 2020-2022

KGC19: Knowledge Graph Of COVID-19 Scholarly Articles for Enhanced Information Retrieval & Recommender System.

I am happy to say that during my Mtech i have completed my dissertation and got the gold medal in Computer Engineering department at PIET, Parul University for the same. Thesis is based on enhancment of the recommender and information retrieavl system using knowledge graph for covid-19 scholarly articles. for the dataset i have used Cord-19 dataset from the kaggel and created the knowledge graph from it.

See PDF Here.

My Projects

This section contains projects that were created during my Mtech, Btech, or while e-learning. You may find the code and additional projects on my GitHub profile ( GitHub - Waris Bunglawala).


KGC19: Knowledge Graph

During my MTech degree, I created a knowledge graph using supercomputer and python programming and named it KGC19 (Knowledge Graph of Covid-19 Scholarly Articles) to improve information retrieval and recommendation system. KGC19 is my own work, which will soon contribute to open source and the semantic web.


KGC19: Ontology

While working wiht my dissertation and before creating a KGC19 Knowledge Graph one immportant aspect was to create Ontology to map data accordingly. so i created KGC19 Ontology using protege software. This too will contribute to the open source soon.


controlling Mouse & Hiding Files using Dynamic Gesture Detection.

During my Btech in the team of 3 we have created a project which allows users to control there mouse using dynamic gestures. Later after my Btech i have updated that project and add one more feature where user can hide there folders or files if they are not in front of the camera. Project was based on Python.


Door Step Doctor

My First Price winning frontend project in hackathon by HackerEarth. Got the 3rd rank for this project along with my team mate. This project was built on the concept of providing Dr assistant and information regarding them and hospital at your finger tip.


Patatap Clone

simple & responsive fun project using animations, audio and libraries. We can hit keys on the keyboard and app will make sound associated with that key with some random animation on the screen. This project help me learn use of different libraries such as Paper JS and Howler JS.

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RGB Color Guessing Game

A web app game based on JS. Created for the purpose of learning and it was a part of the web developer bootcamp by the colt steele on the udemy. Game has two modes: easy and hard, easy mode contains 3 color choice and hard mode contains 6 color choice.

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This section includes all of the skills that i have including software skills.

Technical Skills






Node JS


Express JS











Visual Studio Code

